Far Cry vr mod

13 Jun 2013
I've seen this mod mentioned very recently in other threads but thought it deserves its own thread just in case anyone has missed it.

The original Far Cry has a free vr mod and it uses motion controllers, fholger (the modder) is a godsend for vr! He's done several vr mods, all free (not sure if you can donate if you want to).

Download link: https://github.com/fholger/farcry_vrmod/releases/latest
Manual with installation instructions and control explanation: https://farcryvr.de/manual/

Iirc updated graphics mods don't conflict with the vr mod (someone correct me if i'm wrong).
I tried this the other day and it's very well done. Better than many designed for VR games.

As with a lot of these ports there are some rough edges and jankiness, but it looks great and runs very smoothly, and plays very well.

You have to use the 'laser' aiming though as the models aren't designed for accurate aiming down the sight.
Well quicksave is enabled which should make it easier. I gave up part way through originally when you start getting attacked by bullet sponge one hit kill monsters.
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