Farcry 4 crashing to desktop, need help!

11 May 2006

Im having these annoying crashes in FC4 where the game just freezes, the screen goes black and comes out of fullscreen. At this point the game is still running in the background, but is completely unresponsive apart from audio which can still be heard. I then have to force it to close using task manager.

These crashes are sporadic, sometimes they happen immediately when I go into game, other times nothing happens for hours. Usually it's pretty obvious it's trigged by something, like entering a new area, mission, vehicle, etc. I play at max settings, but did turn of the simulated fur and soft shadows and it seems to help, but not completely. I don't want to turn off this hbao+ and enhanced godrays as they add to the image quality considerably.

Apart from these crashes, the game runs absolutely fine, which why it's so frustrating. Anyone have any ideas? I'm using a 980ti with the 353.30 drivers and have no problems in any other games. Also, I'm playing the steam bought version, but it also installed uplay when I first ran the game, is this normal? Also does the game update automatically? All setting in steam and uplay are set to update automatically, yet in the game main menu it says 1.10 in the bottom left of the screen. Is this the latest version, if not how at you meant to update? Are there but fixes?

Thank you!
Thanks. Yeah, that probably will work, but I find that unacceptable really. Shouldn't have to reduce graphical settings for stability, performance yes, but not stability.

I have read around and there seems to be quite a few other 980ti users having instability in this game, with the exact same type of crash I'm getting. Most say they same thing you are saying, i.e. reduce graphical settings, but others say it's indicative of system instability. Since all my other games are running fine, I'd opt for the former theory.

Not sure if it's a 980ti or driver issue, but I think I'll wait till new drivers come out, untill I start reducing graphical settings.
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