
18 Feb 2006
I have FarCry, but have never taken it out the box.. Same with Battlefield Vietnam

Are they any good or worth the install?

Farcry is an outstanding gaming experience. There are moments in that game i will never forget like just emerging from the jungle and seeing the aircraft carrier or walking through the jungle these birds kept annoying me so i shot at one, it fell out the sky and dropped onto the ground in front of me. Then standing on a pier i back into a drum knocking it into the sea, as i looked down there were fish so i shot them an all and they float to the surface.
Great environment, great game. Odviously dated and surpassed now but still a game i would highly recommend anyone playing who hasn't had the pleasure yet. The Ai are great fun aswell trying to out flank you and mouthing off. Load it now dude. :)
Well atm i play COD2, and looking at some graphics from FarCry it looked pretty decent, its just im wondering if theres actually people still playing it? :p

Don't know about the online side of it as for me it just didn't feel right. My whole post was based purely on single player. Superb single player experience.
Don't get put off by Farcry only being worthwhile for its SP experience.
It is good enough to make up for a not so great multiplayer

Excellent game
malc30 said:
Odviously dated and surpassed now but still a game i would highly recommend anyone playing who hasn't had the pleasure yet. The Ai are great fun aswell trying to out flank you and mouthing off. Load it now dude. :)
Games don't "date". Their graphics do, don't confuse the gameplay and the graphics - and Far Cry still has good graphics today. They've had HDR way before Half Life 2 did. And I wouldn't say any game has surpassed the experience quite yet.
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Well it was certainly worth what i paid for it as i have played over a thousand hours. http://bf2s.com/player/43464469/
About 5 minutes in single player trying a chopper and the rest online. It is without doubt the best online game to date. I have played daily since the day of release and still love the game to bits.
I used to play COD online a lot, clan etc and do own COD2 and play it from time to time but you just cannot beat the scale of maps the variety of classes the whole feel of BF2. For me it is number one when it comes to online fps.
BF2 is well worth while if you are looking for multiplayer. Farcry is still one of the best single player FPS games I have ever played but if you only want to play multiplayer you probably won’t have much fun.
malc30 said:
Odviously dated and surpassed now

Not really :) From a technical standpoint it can still hold it's own; it supports HDR, SM2.0b, SM3.0, 64bit, OpenGL/DX9 renderers, different rendering styles (cartoon/cold/paradise/improved etc). In addition to being a fantastic games, it also has a great engine capable of drawing vast outdoor environments whilst also looking good indoors. OK so FEAR is marginally better at indoor environments, and Source has better models, and D3 has better lighting, but as a complete package the engine still delivers.

So to answer the original question: Yes, FC is worth installing, as it is the best single player FPS ever made.

BF:V on the other hand, only lasted a couple of hours on my system. Load of rubbish.
Syk3 said:
I have FarCry, but have never taken it out the box.. Same with Battlefield Vietnam

Are they any good or worth the install?


No throw them away! Seriously dude that is the laziest question ever.
My feet are on my desk. They're beginning to ache a bit, should move my legs and feet onto the floor?
kdd said:
No throw them away! Seriously dude that is the laziest question ever.
My feet are on my desk. They're beginning to ache a bit, should move my legs and feet onto the floor?

What, asking whether a game is any good? Grow up. I only asked if they're any good.

Far Cry IMO still sets the standard for any FPS.

If it is the Multiplayer game you are after there are around 5000 regular players worldwide, and at any given time usually 200-700 online.

Its not CS:S numbers, but its certainly enough to have a blast on line.
Also the Assault MP mode is pretty unique amongst current MP games.

You can get more details on Far cry here:

Ubisoft Far Cry Forum
Unless Crysis completely takes over, I think the Farcry engine can scale very well to future hardware. I'm pretty sure if the game is modded slightly to increase the detail drop off distance (combined with tweaked HDR/SM3.0) it will bring most systems to their knees for a long time.

Same goes with oblivion, but that takes it a step further.
I think Crysis taking over is a real possibility, but with UBI acquiring the remaining rights to FC from Crytek earlier this year, they obviously have something in mind for the franchise... :confused:

Could be very interesting.
Far Cry is a game that no1 should miss ( providing they have a good enough computer) although the multiplayer really sucks, the single player really is an awsome experience. :p

Also u can to use a P90 :) which is my favourite gun :D
Syk3 said:
What, asking whether a game is any good? Grow up. I only asked if they're any good.


Yes and i'm sure there's a massive shortage of far cry/bf: v reviews on the web.
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