farcry on these two systems.

15 Feb 2006
i have a couple of things for ya here :D
first up;
what settings is farcry possible at on this system.
opty 146@3ghz
1gb 2x512 ocz pc4800 @1/1with cpu

i want to play at high resolution with as much candy as possible. whatever settings i try it never seem to be right. what do you all with similar systems use?

secondly, i have just put together a system for my lad from parts i had lyin around comprising of an athlon xp1700, gonna overclock that for him though, 1024mb corsair ram and a fx5200.

then the thought struck me of how we might be able to play farcry and halo together! that would be cool, gettin my ass whupped by my 7 year old! lol! :mad:
i know halo could play on such a system but would that old mongrel pc stand any chance of playing farcry you reckon?
Back when I first got Farcry I was running AMD64 3000, gig of RAM and an X800XL, ran in 1280x1024 full settings no problems.
As to the other system I'm not sure how it will cope, try it with a low res and cross your fingers tbh
first system would have no problems at all, max everything at good resolutions easily...

second... er... low settings, and slowly start raising things up to get a balance between performance/graphics.
what kind of framerates re acceptable? im not an expert but i reckon anything under 30-40? would be too slow, i dunno..
i understand the 5200 aint gonna be runnin with full AA or anything but it should run quick enough with low settings shouldnt it?
keef said:
what kind of framerates re acceptable? im not an expert but i reckon anything under 30-40? would be too slow, i dunno..
i understand the 5200 aint gonna be runnin with full AA or anything but it should run quick enough with low settings shouldnt it?

Thats a little subjective really. My observations have been that some people are more sensative than others to low FPS.

Your card may just be able to do 1024*768 with some settings on medium. No AF/AF and turn shadows right down.
An FX5200 is gonna take a hammering in FC unfortunately:


20fps average in 800x600 with no AA/AF, and bear in mind that is on an A64 3400+, not an XP1700+. Really you need to turn it down to 640x480 low settings, and overclock the card as much as possible. Might be worth scouring 2ndhand for a cheap 9700/9800 card?
Whilst there's a FarCry thread going, does anyone have the correct patches and which order they should be installed in?

Actually, just the order will do as I just spent the last 30 mins downloading them all just in case.

Thanks :)
HangTime said:
An FX5200 is gonna take a hammering in FC unfortunately:

Snipped Graph!

20fps average in 800x600 with no AA/AF, and bear in mind that is on an A64 3400+, not an XP1700+. Really you need to turn it down to 640x480 low settings, and overclock the card as much as possible. Might be worth scouring 2ndhand for a cheap 9700/9800 card?

Oh my... 5200's suck more than I realised. :eek:
If its an option, you might want to wait to play Far Cry until you have a better graphics card in order to be able to really enjoy the game the way it deserves to be.

Install order I followed for the patchs is:

1.3, 1.31, 1.32, 1.33
1.4 (BETA)

However I believe 1.1 is skipable if you go straight to installing 1.3. If you get problems; start over and follow that ^ "recipe" exactly again.

Is the official order for patches. However I'd also recommend putting the 64bit content on and the beta 1.4 patch if you can find it.
Hi, certain settings like ultra water are fine, however one of the big powersuckers is shadows, try turning those down to medium
nO}{8 said:
most 7 year olds these days are compenant gamers!

A seven year old lad may be a competant driver for all I care, he still isn't driving my car!

I have children of my own. My point was that Halo is rated 15+ and Farcry 16+. I'm not telling anyone how to be a parent but we've all read the threads defending video games. Does this sound familiar? "A 12 year old shouldn't be playing GTA..Doom etc etc etc I blame the parents"

The ratings are there for a reason, just urging people to pay more attention to them!
i know what you mean about the ratings however i feel if i turn off the gore etc then there is nothing in farcry that is gonna warp his little mind! wouldnt dream of letting him plat doom etc, or anything with foul language in it.
tbh i think that kids nowadays are a lot more switched on than we give them credit for, have you ssat down and watched kids telly these days? it is full of action and shooting. i understand the concerns about kids and games but i know that my lad is intelligent enough to differentiate between what is real and not. ratings on games films etc are a guideline, but when was the last time you sat down and watched that film with youtr son/daughter because it said parental guidance on the box?m ylad already plays halo on thre eggbox, he gets more distressed watching news footage on the war!
keef said:
i know what you mean about the ratings however i feel if i turn off the gore etc then there is nothing in farcry that is gonna warp his little mind! wouldnt dream of letting him plat doom etc, or anything with foul language in it.
tbh i think that kids nowadays are a lot more switched on than we give them credit for, have you ssat down and watched kids telly these days? it is full of action and shooting. i understand the concerns about kids and games but i know that my lad is intelligent enough to differentiate between what is real and not. ratings on games films etc are a guideline, but when was the last time you sat down and watched that film with youtr son/daughter because it said parental guidance on the box?m ylad already plays halo on thre eggbox, he gets more distressed watching news footage on the war!

Fair play to you, I'm sure you know what you're doing, I know a lot of people who wouldn't even notice the ratings. It's not my place to judge, I was really just pointing them out :)

You've obviously seen them and decided what's right for your lad :)

On topic: A mate of mine tried Far Cry an FX5200 with an XP2500 unsucessfully so I think you may be pushing it.
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They gave Far Cry away with the 5700LE for a time, so if that can manage you can probably just about coax a 5200 into running it. Start with the lowest possible settings and work up.

That being said, even with a reasonably good system (Athlon XP 3000, 768MB RAM, Geforce 6800) I still found certain sections chugged a bit - the second to last level for example, as you approach the volcano, is a killer.
i cant find the 64 bit texture file anywhere. im on xp home 32 bit. Anyone got a link ? :D.

also how do i install patch 1.4 ?
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Farcry for XP64 on normal XP


1. Download the AMD64 Upgrade (486MB) and AMD64 Exclusive Content Update (422MB) -- see below for download links.

2. Before installing the files, make sure that you have the Windows Installer 3.1 package on your system -- if you keep your system regularly updated via Windows Update it should already be installed, alternatively download and install the redistributable from Microsoft.

3. Extract each upgrade to a separate directory, e.g. C:\FC64U for the upgrade and C:\FC64ECU for the exclusive content.

4. Select the START menu and then Run... and in turn, browse to the directory to where the update/content executable was extracted, but don't run it yet. It doesn't matter in which order this is done.

5. So, for the upgrade, you would select C:\FC64U and select the farcry_amd64upgrade_us_uk.exe file and press Open, but do not press OK yet. Add /a to the line present in the Run... command and then press OK, i.e. you should have the following in the Run... command before pressing OK:

"C:\FC64U\farcry_amd64upgrade_us_uk.exe" /a

Press OK and the extraction process will now begin.

6. Do the same thing for the exclusive content update -- so, using the directories listed above, the following path would be indicated in the Run... command:

"C:\FC64ECU\farcry_amd64_ecu.exe" /a

Press OK and wait for the extraction to complete.

7. While extracting, both processes may appear to hang/stall, but you should notice that the HDD will be very active during the extraction and it will take a couple of minutes for each one to complete.

8. After both extraction processes have completed, go to each directory (again, it doesn't matter in which order this done) where the files have been extracted and then select all files and folders within ...\Far Cry folder and copy them over to your Far Cry install directory.

So, for the upgrade you would navigate to
C:\FC64U\Program Files\Ubisoft\Crytek\Far Cry

and for the exclusive content update you would navigate to
C:\FC64ECU\Program Files\Ubisoft\Crytek\Far Cry

and in turn select all the files within the ...\Far Cry directory and copy them over to your Far Cry game install directory, e.g. D:\Far Cry

Ignore any warnings and select yes, overwrite all if prompted.

9. When done, run the game. If it has worked you will see an AMD64 animated video before the Far Cry menu appears.

10. Enjoy! :D

http://www.3dgamers.com/games/farcry/downloads/ (Both)

http://www.gamershell.com/download_9084.shtml (A64 Upgrade)

http://www.gamershell.com/download_9089.shtml (A64 Exclusive content)

http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;3852330;;/fileinfo.html (A64 Upgrade)

http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;3852332;;/fileinfo.html (A64 Exclusive Content)

This works and on my old rig (A64 3200+, 2Gb ram, 6800GT @ Ultra) everything ran smoothly at max settings, 1280x1024, 16AF + HDR (no AA due to HDR). Search for how to turn HDR on ;)
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