Farcry patch's

25 Dec 2005
Notts, Uk in a house
Does anyone know if Nubisoft have brought out a 1.34 patch yet fro farcry as to fix the invalid cd key even though ive played online loads of time with it its just Nubisoft there crap for online. :mad: :mad: :mad:
There will be not be a 1.34
1.4 will be released fairly soon.

The CD key issue is mostly avoidable if you take the right precautions, especially downloading the maps of the servers you are trying to join.
Visit the Ubisoft Far Cry forums for more details.

Get maps from www.farcry-maps.com

But then you miss out on some top notch community built maps... :(

I wish they had included a "map push" feature, but in its absence the site I linked above has the major map packs that most servers host available and even has an uber pack of them all available via a torrent.
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