Fast DDR or More DDR

9 Jan 2005
Is it better to have 4Gb of say Corsair Value memory expenisve memory made for those that like to clock? I already have 2gb which is great I found a lot of memory helps when in an mmorpg and there's like 60 odd or more players on your screen at once.
Hmmmm... More is not always better. Couple of problems - you will be lucky to get 4x1Gb to run at 1T cmd rate - so will take a bandwidth hit. Windows will see 4Gb, but you *must* turn off the page file (max mem is 4Gb and that is Physical ram + page file!)

There is another potential problem - specific to your issue. When trying to run the windows base Memtest, it stated that Windows places a cap on how much ram a single process can use (seemed to be about 782Mb!) - Not sure how to confirm this, but can get a screenie if you like - but certainly makes getting more than 2Gb for a specific app (MMORPG etc...) pretty useless.

Save the cash - get something else ;)
Will it help when I'm creating DivXs or using PaintShop Ele 4? I've also read that the next windows will need aleast 1Gb to run at its best.
Windows mem cap on a single process is 2GB.

If you are gonna run 4Gb or more its time to start considering Windows XP 64bit or Linux.
Hmmmm... I am running x64, and memtest still whinged. Meh... probably just poor coding then - be intrigued to know what the actual numbers are from MS
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