Fast, responsive phone with decent camera?

31 Oct 2004
Greetings all!

I've reached the end of my contract, so it's upgrade time. I'm currently on 3 (with no problems so far), paying £30/month for 500mins+100texts, with an LG U8110 (yuck).

I'm looking for something I can get free or for less than £50, either through an upgrade with 3, or through a 12 month contract with someone else (I don't mind changing providers). I need similar minutes and texts to what I get now, and I can pay £30-£35/month (or less :D).

As for the handset, I want something with a decent camera, that is reasonably small and stylish, and that is above all responsive. I am a very impatient person, and I don't enjoy waiting several seconds to open my message inbox, so I need something fast, LOL. I have an mp3 player, so this feature is not required.

Phones I'm considering are the Samsung D600 and the Nokia 6280. Any comments or other recommendations?

Much obliged.
The 6280 is the phone I'm looking at getting at the minute, unfortunately it's not out on 02 yet as it's 3 exclusive.

Your best bet is to go to your local 3 shop and have a mess about with the phones as a phone on Voda can be really slow with there software, but be faily responsive on 02 as there software isn't as bloaty. Get down and have a fiddle ;)
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