Faster CPU or more Mem

27 Dec 2003
Both the same price, dont take later upgrades or OCing into the equation.
Pentium M1.83 with 2 gig Ram OR
Pentium M2.0 with 1 gig Ram.
Matched with a 7800GTX Go.
Mainly used for COD2 but also RTW.
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Sorry, should have made it a little clearer.
M2.0 and 1 gig for the same money as M1.83 with 2 gig.
As above,no overclocking or later upgrading needs to enter the equation.
pegasus1 said:
Sorry, should have made it a little clearer.
M2.0 and 1 gig for the same money as M1.83 with 2 gig.
As above,no overclocking or later upgrading needs to enter the equation.
No, you were quite clear.

RAM is a lot easier to upgrade in the future if you want to than the CPU.

The 2.0 is still the better bet, imo. 2GB won't help you a lot in the majority of cases, the 2.0 will marginally improve everything.
As i said, later upgrades dont come into the equation.
Its for a mate and as ive only ever had AMD i wasnt sure if the CPU speed made a massive difference on this chip.
Ive run my 3700sd at 2.65 with 1 gig (just to see the difference) and the impact on performance in FEAR/LOMAC/IL2/RTW was far far greater than when i dropped my CPU speed to 2.5 with 2 Gig.
Cheers for the help though.
Depends on the game.

FEAR and BF2 = 2GB 4tw

Doom 3, FarCry, both on medium details = faster CPU + 1GB 4tw

But I suppose, overall, take the 2GB option. I ran Doom 3 on Ultra settings and my free RAM dropped to ~500MB (2GB total). Same with FEAR.
Well there not as easy to upgrade as pcs but going from 1gb to 2gb may be expensive, as you would have to sell the current two 512mb sticks and then buy two 1gb kits, its unlikely that the board has 4 slots so its not as easy as just adding another 1gb
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