fastest torrent program on a mac?

12 Oct 2005
left abit no your other l
hi guys

i have a nice high upload speed at the mo its running well over 100kbs and hits 200 upwards sometimes any way i am getting gay download speeds of about 5.6-20 never any more than about 30 so is there a good program or better way to do this

btw at the mo i am using transmission
All modern / decent torrent clients are fine as long as your incoming port is open and you're not saturating the connection by maxing out your upload bandwidth.

Variable speeds are just down to the bandwidth offered by the peers and seeds on each given torrent. Stick with Transmission.
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All modern / decent torrent clients are fine as long as your incoming port is open and you're not saturating the connection by maxing out your upload bandwidth.

Variable speeds are just down to the bandwidth offered by the peers and seeds on each given torrent. Stick with Transmission.

i have both the upload speed and download speed set as unlimited is this right?

also my ratio is only 0.51 will this have anything 2 do with it?

it is a 52gb file so i expect it to take some time just be nice if it wasnt about 50-60days
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Ratio shouldn't usually affect download speed, but uploading as fast as your connection allows will hurt download speed because then you won't have the bandwidth to acknowledge incoming data fast enough.

Set your upload limit to perhaps 30-50% of its max speed, to leave plenty headroom for everything else you're doing.
Another vote for transmission but its odd that youre getting a low speed.
Dont let the upload be 100% as this will throttle your download, as wush says, limit your upload so it wont throttle your download.

Is it just this torrent thats going slow or every torrent? Checked seeds/leechers etc?
ok well i have limted my upload speed to 50 KB/s

dont really seam to have changed much with my download but i will leave it over night see how it dose thanks for all the help guys
Who's your ISP? It's more than likely that your ISP is doing traffic shaping on bitorrent traffic (if not all non-HTTP traffic as BT are). I am capped at about 20kb/s download at most of the day until around midnight where it drops off and I can get 500kb/s or more.
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