Hay guyz, I need some new rams for a new conroe PC.
I looked aboot a little and found that the Fatbody D9 chips seems to be the best I found a list over on which showed me what has D9 and what doesnt. Can anyone at overclockers tell me which of the 1gb (or cheap 2gb) kits have D9 chips on them. I mean wihch kits that overclockers sell sorry to confusion.
Also! I've tried REEAALLL hard with this post to get my spllling sorted. Hopefully people can understanding what i mean now!
I looked aboot a little and found that the Fatbody D9 chips seems to be the best I found a list over on which showed me what has D9 and what doesnt. Can anyone at overclockers tell me which of the 1gb (or cheap 2gb) kits have D9 chips on them. I mean wihch kits that overclockers sell sorry to confusion.
Also! I've tried REEAALLL hard with this post to get my spllling sorted. Hopefully people can understanding what i mean now!