Faulty ipod touch :(

None of them sound very good at max volume, but if you think it sounds significantly worse than other Touches (i.e broken) then yes it would be, if they agreed. And if it sounds really awful they will agree :)
It probably just sounds like all speakers in portable devices sound when you turn them up too loud. Why anyone would want to listen to music that way is beyond me!
It's a stupid speaker. It's loud enough to irritate people but not loud enough to actually listen to usefully. When i was on holiday we'd point the speaker into an upended bowl, which helped a bit, but it was guff so I've bough a little external battery powered speaker for next time.

It's only loud enough for playing games, really.
Yeah, not a problem with the product... the speaker's actually pretty good compared to most phones I've had. It's just that listening to music on any phone speaker is an awful experience.
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