Faulty psu or faulty psu module cable?

9 Jan 2010
Ok I just got a enermax platimax 1500w off a mate. It was working fine in his old system. I want to power a asus z9pe-d8 and thought this psu would be great as it has dual 8 pin cpu power and for £60 I thought it was a good deal. However the system only boots once every 30 or so attempts. Taking a closer look one of the ATX 24 pin cables was pushed out of the connector and one tiny wire looks crimped, squashed too much. Could this be the issue?

A second odd thing is before I pushed the pin back in the psu made 3 or 4 fast clicking sounds when trying to turn it on.

So my question is, is the problem the 24p ATX lead or is it likely to be the psu?

The PSU seems to work powering an older board, and my asus z9pe-d8 works using dual psu's..... Thoughts? Help? :-( pleaseee
I suppose if the pin is misshaped then it may not be making proper contact in the socket and that clicking noise may have been the pin shorting. In any case that sounds like a expensive setup to be chancing with a potentially dodgy psu and I wouldn't use it.
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