Favour please (small poster request)

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
We're having a fundraising raffle for the football team.

I'm after a small poster, A4 size. It needs to state a £1 per ticket strip and the prize is a TV/DVD combo, and to ask behind the bar for details.

Anything you guys could knock together would be appreciated :)
Working on something for Murzo ( Thread above ) at moment , probably take this afternoon to do.

If no one responds , i'll do it later :D

Edit : JoeyJoJo will definately do it :D

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Is that a TV / DVD Combo in Scotland ?

You haven't even sellotaped it together. :D


( Kazakhstan maybe :D )
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yes, i agree, i failed miserably.
Im at work and the best i have is ms paint with a useless ball mouse.
I tried to crop around the dvd player and add sellotape as best i could, but it was hopeless. I'll try something better when i get home to my photoshop and post WWII mouse :D
touch said:
yes, i agree, i failed miserably.
Im at work and the best i have is ms paint with a useless ball mouse.
I tried to crop around the dvd player and add sellotape as best i could, but it was hopeless. I'll try something better when i get home to my photoshop and post WWII mouse :D

Very Retro.

I actually like it , made me laugh :D
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worst poster ever. i've got the large version if you want. :p
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Fonts can be Changed , the original is at 300 pixel/per inch and too big to host ( ImageShack is playing up at the mo ) :eek: / but fine for print .

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Gilly said:
Nice work dude. Think I'll have to employ the decent printer at work :cool:

Any inkjet on decent paper will carry the image off.

I'll have ticket number 1***

Let me know if you want any changes

mrdbristol said:
Fonts can be Changed , the original is at 300 pixel/per inch and too big to host ( ImageShack is playing up at the mo ) :eek: / but fine for print .


Whaddya do? Just stare at the poster to get a ticket! ;) :D
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