Favour please - to the members of ocuk

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
When posting indie developed games, Please put ( INDIE ) in the thread title so it makes it easier to search and place in the INDIE database at top of section.

Thanks Kindly :cool:
Takes me back to my retro days of little developers making great games!

Think about it, Grimrock developed by an Indie developer takes me back to my youth of eye of the beholder yet has far more interest to me than say the latest Ass creed from Ubisoft. Or those adventure titles which take me back to the monkey islands or kings quests, I can get as much enjoyment out of one indie title as most of those expensive £40 rip offs. However I don't enjoy every indie title I play but someone else might, so I post it as long as it's not dreadful because there are a lot of them.
He should have been man of honor long ago IMO. Of course he never will be after the Neilgate saga. Shame.

Just a thanks and avid support from the members is enough, having people say I love your indie posts to brighten my day :cool:.

If i'm to get into an argument it will be in the battlefield 3 thread, damn game lol
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