Favourite ice cream

31 May 2010
With the recent heat, i have been eating more ice cream than usual. :)
While i am out and about i am quite partial to a Snickers or a Magnum.
But at home it has to be Hagen Daz Vanilla, it has to be the most morish ice cream yet invented. :)
and better yet, my local Asda's has the 500ml tub on offer for £2 :D

whats your ice cream of choice?
that is my problem,
i opened the Hagen Daz to just have a little, and i ate the whole tub :eek::D
these should come with a government health warning ;)
Haagen Daz strawberry cheesecake omnomnomnomnomnom :D

Shame Haagen Daz are so expensive, I only buy them when on sale.

they were on sale at Asda or Tesco at least upto Monday, £2 for a taste of ambrosia;) not sure if they still are.
@PlacidCasual, i take it you need an ice cream machine to make that, and also it would work with other suitable fruit
Anyone tried the new Heston range of ice creams in Waitrose? 3 flavours available:

Salted caramel Popcorn
Chocolate with Rosemary
Yuk, no thanks, i am a bit of a traditionalist regarding my ice cream. ;):p

I am going to make proper vanilla ice cream tomorrow. Will stock up on eggs, cream and whole milk later, get vanilla pods and vanilla essence.

What's rum n rasin? Like what it says on the tin?
And vernmonster?

I'm going to make my own mint choc chip, raspberry frozen yogurt, chunky monkey (banana flavour with dark chocolate chunks), mango and rocky road!

That's just this weekend! Lol

dont you mean extract. not that artificial stuff called essence

I am off to buy ingredients!


updates please :) and i am not jealous, ;)
With every new post to this thread I come closer to buying one. :D

I do love ice cream, especially after my Saturday night curry, but I am not sure if I can justify one. Size is also a concern. I'll bung it on the Amazon wishlist.

agreed, i sooo want to make my own

Doooo it!

Don'y buy one thinking you will save money by making your own though. Forge the cost of the machine, that is almost irrelevant when you just think about the ingredients costs. For example today i decide to make Mint Choc Chip.

1 Pint of Milk 59p
500ml double cream 95p
3 packs of mint £1.50
Bar of 70% cocoa chocolate (Lindt) £1.80

That's £4.84 in ingredients to make 1Litre. It works out mathematically cheaper than buy at 500ml tubs for like £4 but I am not including the sugar and eggs that you need, also the electricity and effort.

However......apart from taste, this way you can control a lot of things.

You can make it healthier by using semi skimmed milk, low fat cream, sweeteners etc. Use proper ingredients like Mint and nice chocolates.

Buy one if you like great ice cream and like to know exactly what you are eating.

was that with fresh mint leaves? or mint extract
also when i have made truffles before, the asda/tesco 70% cocoa chocolate for around £1 is as good as Lindt.

just have to convince the missus, that the kids will love home made ice cream ;):D

edit. just googled raymonds machine, :eek: that is some serious investment
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