FEAR and problem with enabling Sounds?

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
I have an X-Fi and i've tried using all the drivers, but without disabling sounds in the configuration, the game won't get past a black screen. Any ideas?
You sure it's the x-fi? I have one too (using the updated drivers from November, not the ones on the installation cd) and FEAR works fine for me.

Have you tried updating your codecs if you're sure it's a sound thing?
You are right, it's not the X-Fi as i uninstalled the driver and it still doesn't work without disabling all sounds. I already had Window Media Format Audio Setup 7.1 installed from the FEAR CD, so i went the the Audio Codec area and set it to first priority, but this still does nothing. I then went to install Windows Media Format Audio Setup 9, but alas still no workaround.

I think it may be an issue with the other codecs i have installed. I will get rid of them all and see what happens. Any other thoughts on the matter would be most w3lcome.
Low and behold it worked, getting rid of the ACE Codec pack worked. Last time I install such pap. Cheers for the aid mate, most appreciated. *pats on back*

Sorry to bring up an old thread but I am having this problem as well. But I have never installed this codec pack so I can't get rid or it. I also cant download it as 50MB on ISDN would take a while.

Anyone know where this codec is and if I can just remove it from my system. I installed this file thinking if I uninstalled it it would get rid of the codec but no hope :(


Any ideas?

Does the codec have a configuration, as most codecs are able to disable themselves.

Is it also not in your Audio and Sound Properties? It can be removed there if it's listed.

If not, you could try making a note of all the files of the codec from the installation.exe, searching and deleting them (move into a backup folder), restart your computer and see whether that solves the problem.
:'( Last night it took me 3 hours to download that ACE mega codec pack. Today I disabled all CORE codecs and hit apply. Restart computer.... load fear.... GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. It still doesn't work. I can hear everything but see nothing. I don't get it I have played it on this PC before....
Most common sound issue I think is due to no installing the codec pack that comes with FEAR.

It's in the game directory, called WFMADFMASDMFASDJFJASDFJASFASFAOMGWTF.exe or something like that, about 9meg in size IIRC.
As long as you disable any mp3 codec that you may have installed, it should be fine. I had the same problem and found that FEAR uses its own mp3 codec to render the sound. Therefore, if you have your own codec pack installed, the installed mp3 codec takes presidence over the games one. You can have the codec pack and fear installed at the sdame time...you just have to be careful which elements of the codec pack you install. :)
Basically you need to get rid of all your audio codecs. So you have two options...

1.) Get rid of those codecs manually.

2.) Reformat your OS drive.
1 sounds good but wouldnt know how to do that seeing as the Corethingamijig codec has been deleted.

2 isnt an option. It's a good game but no game is worth a reinstall and the hassel.
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