fear extraction pt preview

15 Jun 2006

One of the key new additions in the expansion is larger areas to battle in. The original game made great use of tight environments and plenty of close combat, but a number of larger areas in Extraction Point will give a different feel to combat. This was demonstrated by a subway section, which offered a large open space, with plenty of scope for long, drawn out battles. The enemies took cover behind crates they'd knocked over themselves, and much was made of how objects such as the crates can be splintered away, making cover less safe than you (and the enemies) think.

Of course, enemy AI is as good as ever, with little needing to be changed in this area. The physics still look stunning, especially in slow-motion, with objects flying everywhere and debris filling the screen. By the time Extraction point is released in November, a year after the original game, there still won't have been a game to capture the feel of combat so brilliantly. Explosive barrels and the like made for great unscripted moments in the first game, and the gas cylinders seen in the levels on show for Extraction Point certainly didn't disappoint. A shot sent them flying through the air like a rocket, and the resulting explosion decimated the area - it's classic F.E.A.R. stuff. The new mini-gun isn't half bad either, with bullets ripping through replicants, sending their bodies ragdolling to brilliant effect.
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