Fear, Milton Keynes + no Road experience!

9 Sep 2009
In a small valley
Hey all.

For the last 5 years I have been wanting to get my own transport, mainly a bike, but funding was never there.

Now I have the money to do it! (yay) but I have no road experience and at 27 years young I am much more concious of the dangers. I feel I can overcome them but not without a fight winthin myslef.

I live in Milton Keynes, the place with the roundabouts and USA style crossroads which is all great in a car. What I dont see is many motorbikes (apart from the weekend sports bikes) and with the way people drive in MK I feel is adding to my still putting of getting my bike.

£1500 fully comp for a 10 year old 3 cylinder corsa... no chance.. cars = no!

£400 fully comp for a 600cc 6 year old bandit... yes please!

I think what I am getting at is the fact that people drive like idiots in MK, its mostly dual carriageways and with the roundabouts people fly over them. Rush hour is horrid in a car and I dread to think what its like on a bike.

Someone slap me or tell me you have ridden in MK and what it was like for you as a rider...please!

I am booking my theory on monday, then ringing the school to look at getting my CBT done.

By mid may I should get to about £2000 for a bike and insurance (Tests and gear are subsided already.

Ps: I have a bad habit of Non coherent rants. :D
Yeah I should stop being a wimp.

The instructor will teach me how to tackle riding in MK.

Is the Hornet not a bit too much for a beginner with no road experience? (not even car experience)
An SM, hmmm.

I did not think about that. I guess I will just have to try all the different bike styles. (not cruisers though:p )
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