FEAR not up to my expectations

27 Dec 2003
Its not the graphics which i have to admit are very impresive or even the atmosphere within the game which is right up there with AvP2 but its the FPS aspect i have a problem with. COD2 got it bang on for playability and Q4 was enjoyable when it came to having a good shootout but FEAR doesnt feel natural as a shooter.
I agree that the AI is good with the bad guys leaping around and flanking but it seems to me to be missing something, the paranormal aspect is well implemented and genuinly chilling but it just hasnt hooked me like the COD series or Q4 which is reletively shallow compared.
Well im only an hours gameplay into it so maybe il warm to it.
I felt the same way when I got a couple of hours in, the gunplay keeps you going for quite a while, but then suddenly I found myself asking why am I still playing.

I personally ended up leaving it for a couple of months then going back to it out of a sense of duty (I hate not finishing games) and dragged myself through it.

There are some really nice set pieces but frankly I'm thankful its so short,
there is something very samey about the entire game.
I didnt liked it either.I have the same feeling-obligation to finish games i start but i didnt enjoy it at all.
It's maybe because i am mainly a counter strike player,but then again i ve finished far cry,hl2 and q4.

The best single player fps that i ve played the last years was Far cry for me
Reppyboyo said:
FEAR is not a run of the mill run & gun like COD or Q4 is, which is probably what you feel is lacking.
COD2 isnt run and gun as you put it, maybe on the easiest level but certainly not when its one shot and your dead, its the way that the the weapons are used that lets it down, i reminds me of a bad MGS clone, its were COD2 leaves FEAR standing, it feels natural.
I find that I am pushing myself to finish this game and try as I might, it's not the most enjoyable experience. I like the slow motion abilities and some of the weapon effects, the AI is alright but I have again turned up the difficuluty; to max now; as it seems too easy in places. *that said it seems to make the enemy have better aim - not better tactics. :rolleyes:

Comments on it being "samey" ring true also, as I find myself once again encountering a squad in an office/car park/roof/stairwell and need to tap into slow motion, leap out, fire then dive for cover to recharge the slow more for more of the same. Does this game engine not like environments other than those enclosed on four sides with concrete?

Dissatisfied that the Japanese themed "horror" has not been carried on past the first 2-3 levels. Currently in a carpark heading for the roof and hoping it will either end quickly or twist into a chilling story. So far it's very average in my opinion.

* oh and what happened to those teleporting freakish agents that climbed the walls in the office on the 4th level? that was a riverting 5 minutes...never to be repeated again?
glad im not the only one !!
i guess all the hype about it was the graphics aspect.
i feel films are going the same way.
when im sitting through that game a cant help but have sarcastic conversations uin my head about it like ''oh theres ANOTHER ghost... oh should i shoot him. he MIGHt die... ermmm no , oh look hes vanished liek the other one did''

the AI is superb, so are the graphics, but the game just lacks a certain *insert that french sentance here*

and the thing that really annoys me is having to press a button the mount the ladders !!!

i suppose i just love half life 2 too much, and im comparing everygame to it. IMO, theres nothing that comes close :( not even FEAR
i played the demo for the first time last night as Im waiting for my new rig to buy it.

I turned it off as soon as I got in the corridors and the little girl ran past. SH!T MY PANTS! *** a wuss :D
Yewen said:
Would any of you consider FEAR to be worth £10?

yea... but theres beller white box ''sold out'' games for 10 quid though !

FEAR is a fantastic benchmark though.

btw... dont get me started on FEAR online !
It was all to samey to me, and i also got to the stage were i was thinking why am i still playing this.
I got mine for £15 at GAME on a promo week and i can say right now its the best 15 quid i have spent in a long while .

I can understand why people are not getting in to this game thogh , For me the bad point was the sound of the footsteps.. It just never felt realistic .

A little tip that may OR may not improve it for you is to deactivate the head bob movment . It made it more smooth for me and somehow made it feel a bit more right .

I have finished the game and im now replaying it on hardest setting as i too thoght it was a bit to easy in parts .

For anyone just starting to play the game ...Stick with it as it has a load of realy creepy twists and turns .

It is a great test of GPU power and i think the only way to play is with everything maxxed out .

After finishing the game i just sat and watched the title's roll and that allso gives you a bit more info on the game at the end ;)

I like the promo video too ... The doctor in the room with the girl :eek:

All in all its been the best game i have played this year .
Im playing it now and im up to the Interval 8, and yes i am playing it with my 5900xt with everything on LOW... looked okay till i saw some videos with everything on full :D cant wait to get my new X1800Xt to see what this game is really made of...
also im new to all this gaming stuff so i aint that good and i have to admit i think i have it on easy... might just have to start over again with my new card with everything maxed out and it on medium or maybe even hard...
but i do like the plot and stuff... but i get what you mean it does get samey with offices and stuff like that... but i like it.. its great...

PS. can anyone tell me how many intervals there are?
Good for you man .. stick with it ..... OR .. like you said restart with new card MAXXED :D

I think .. don't quote me on this but it think its 21 levels ...I would need to look to see .

Allso worth looking at is the wikipedia on the game , I just had a read of it and it confurmed some of my thoghts while playing .

In the game you get a load of thing the refer to real life things .. Example The movie THX 1138 and characters from other games , movies and tv programs ... strange :eek:

Warning may contain spoilers ;)

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