Fearless.... *Spolers*

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai
Hello everyone.

Just watched this and thought it was pretty damn good actually.
Not a classic, but still a far cry from the bad reviews it got.
(Moon is especially hot :) )

Still one thing bothers me, the scene at the very end after Jet Li dies.

Is it..
A) He is dead and in heaven and also Moon is dead ?
B) He is dead and in heaven and kind of imagines Moon visiting him which will make him happy ?
C) He's dead, but this scene is kind of a final flashback to when he was most happiest in life ?
B) He is dead and in heaven and kind of imagines Moon visiting him which will make him happy ?

That is the best of your examples although I favour the alternative reading that he and Moon actually did meet, whether in the spiritual plane or that he appeared to Moon somewhere in the real world.

Interesting theory.
I hadn't thought of that.

BUT....there was no mention of spiritualness or higher planes of existance at any other point in the film, so I'd find it a bit weird if they just threw one in at the end.
When he leaves the village to go back to ?(cant remeber the name of the city) doesnt he say i will return or something like that. Its him returning to her after he has died.
You don't need a reference to higher planes of existence to have a romantic "I have returned just as I promised" moment. That's the beauty of it.
big bump lol but just watched this film and yea thought it was quite cool too :D

nice fighting scenes and yea that girl is a cutey
Just watched it tonight as it only came out at te cinema this weekend. Proper old school Jet Li film.

Was the scene you're talking about one of those annoying wait five minutes for the credits to end ones??
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