Feasibility study - advise please

9 Mar 2004
I'm looking to start playing around with watercooling - and when I do things I like to do it a bit differently...

So anyhow I am considering having quick disconnects with valves built into the loop allowing me to optionally connect it with tubing that will run up and through my ceiling to the garage where it will connect to an external radiator and aquarium cooler. Given that this will be approximately 25metres of tubing and having to go vertically up a couple of metres - what do you think I would need pump wise to have enough head pressure to make it around the loop? Would I need to ensure any extra pumps are only switched on when it is connected to the external loop?

Cheers for any advice!


A D5 pump maybe alright, if you are only going vertically 3 metres, A D5 pump has a maximum head pressure pressure of 3.9 metres, anything higher than 3 metres may result in there being not enough pressure to push the fluid around the loop.

The link below has a better maximum head pressure and may be more suitable for your needs.

I've done this with my current system, it works really well - cooling performance is amazing and silence is golden. :)


The pictures in the OP aren't really showing how the loop is configured as the thread was more about the ITX aspect, however I could take some photos if you like.

You will need more than 1 pump I would expect. A few questions for you:
  1. Why is your run 25 metres, it sounds a lot - are you avoiding drilling the wall or something?
  2. How do you intend to control pumps and fans at that distance?
  3. Why an aquarium cooler, what will you use that for?
  4. Why do you plan to use valves with your QDCs?
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