Fed Up

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

In the other thread about Apple Care I said how good it was that they replaced my broken 17" MBP monitor so quickly (1 week turn around). I got it back today and I've just realised that they've replaced my 1920x1200 HiDef screen with the standard 1680x1050 version.

I'm not too fussed about the mistake, we all make them - it's just the hassle of having to go back to the Apple store and get it sorted, plus the lack of a computer for another week. I would just hang on to it until they get the new part and use it normally but I don't want to risk even a tiny scratch on the outside case or anything because it doesn't feel like it's 'mine'.

It's also a pain because I can't get to the Apple store until late tomorrow afternoon. Ideally I'd like to go in first thing in the morning but I've got to go out of town.


Just needed to vent a bit.

Thanks for the hug lol.

I spoke to them today and they are going to get it sorted. *yay* I didn't expect any less from Apple to be honest - they were really apologetic.

Just got to work out whether to hang on to it over the weekend or give it to them tomorrow. I'm not sure if they even have the right screen in stock to make the switch but on the other hand I don't want to use it over the weekend and do anything to it...

Well you've waited a whole week, another few days or even a week wont hurt.

Personally I'd use it, but if you're uneasy about it, just go with your gut.
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