Feedback/critique on my first project

16 Aug 2009
Luton, England
Background: I've been learning HTML and CSS for the last month and it's something I've never had any experience of before. Currently work in Web Dev as a QA tester, but it's not what I want to do for the rest of my professional career, so in my own time I've decided to teach myself HTML and CSS, moving on to JQuery and Javascript later on. I've nearly finished my first design which is redesigning my current employers website (Just for fun, it won't be used), but I would love some feedback on any mistakes or improvements I could make so far. I know I have absolutely loads to learn, but find getting critique is one of the best ways for me to learn.

Here is my first draft, this took just under a week to complete:

Looks best in Chrome or Safari because of IE and Safari support for WebM files, and I've yet to put in a fall back image, I just wanted to get this over the line. Should (hopefully) be responsive and look okay on mobile too.

Cheers for any feedback! :)
Impressive for a first attempt.

One thing I'd change is the footer links, as at the moment they span onto two lines. This is on an iPhone 5 in Safari. The small print text after it needs to be smaller as well.

Also there needs to be more spacing between "Rome" and the headings above it :)
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Impressive for a first attempt.

One thing I'd change is the footer links, as at the moment they span onto two lines. This is on an iPhone 5 in Safari. The small print text after it needs to be smaller as well.

Also there needs to be more spacing between "Rome" and the headings above it :)

Cheers mate, I'll take a look at those 2 things and see if I can fix!
As above this is really impressive for a first attempt My only criticisms would be to avoid the hamburger menu when you can for the sake of user experience, nice article here:
I'd also make the scrollable div full size, it doesn't feel that natural to scroll through it. If the content is too much maybe add a load more button.

I'd also use SVGs or higher quality PNGs for your App Store icons.

Nice work!
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