Feedback forms

18 Oct 2002

I was wondering if anyone knows of any HTML feedback templates. I am wanting visitors of the website to be able to leave contact details as well as select items from drop down boxes and then submit their enquiry and I rceive it as an email.

Do templates exist that I can use to enter in the values and away I go?


You can do it entirely in HTML, Here's an example of one I did for work:

<STYLE type="text/css">

p 	{	FONT-SIZE: 10pt; 

td 	{	PADDING-RIGHT: 7.5pt; 
		PADDING-LEFT: 7.5pt; 
		PADDING-TOP: 7.5pt}

		MARGIN-LEFT: 144pt;
		WIDTH: 505.5pt}
      <FORM action=mailto:"EMAILHERE"?Subject=Feedback method=post encType=text/plain>
      <TABLE border=1>
			<TD colSpan=2>
				The Customer Experience Programme (CEP) is a key element in our business plan.<BR>
				It's important therefore that we manage and communicate CEP issues effectively.<BR>
				In order to assess current levels of awareness in LGRI, we would be grateful if you<BR>
				would complete the survey below and return by XXXXXX.<BR>
				The survey is self addressed (just press 'submit' at the foot of this email).
				Which area of LGRI do you currently work in?
				<SELECT id="Business area" name="Bus area"> 
					<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Ops>Operations</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Finance>Finance</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Risk BSU">Risk/BSU</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Change>Change</OPTION>
				Which of these best describes your role?
				<SELECT id=Description name=Description> 
					<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Admin Agent">Administrator / Agent</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Analyst BSO Trainer">Business Analyst / BSO / Trainer</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Team Manager">Team Manager</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Manager>Manager (A3 / P / M / TBSO)</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Senior Manager">Senior Manager</OPTION>
				How would you describe your current level of awareness regarding the Customer Experience Programme?
				<SELECT id=Awareness name=Awareness>
					<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Very Good">Very Good</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Good>Good</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Reasonable>Reasonable</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Poor>Poor</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Very Poor">Very Poor</OPTION>
			<TD colspan=2>
				How would you rate each of the following in relation to you and your role?
				My understanding of the Customer Experience Programme's aims and objectives is:
		   		<SELECT id="Aims and Objectives" name="Aims and Objectives">
					<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Very Good">Very Good</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Good>Good</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Reasonable>Reasonable</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Poor>Poor</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Very Poor">Very Poor</OPTION>
				The impact of the Customer Experience Programme on my role is:
				<SELECT id=Impact name=Impact>
					<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Significant>Significant</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Noticeable>Noticeable</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Minimal>Mimimal</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="No Impact">No Impact</OPTION>
				Getting involved in the Customer Experience Programme is:
				<SELECT id=Involved name=Involved>
					<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Very Easy">Very Easy</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Reasonably Easy">Reasonably Easy</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=Difficult>Difficult</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Very Difficult">Very Difficult</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Not Attempted">Haven't Attempted to get involved</OPTION>
				Please give your comments on what you feel is done well/less well in LGRI in relation to the Customer Experience Programme.
				<TEXTAREA name="Comments on What is done well" rows=3 cols=50></TEXTAREA>
				Do you think the information you receive regarding the Customer Experience Programme is:
				<SELECT id=Information name=Information> 
              			<OPTION value=blank selected></OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Too Much">Too Much</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Just Right">Just Right</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="Too Little">Too Little</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="No Information Received">No Information Received</OPTION>
				Please give any other comments you may have in relation to the Customer Experience Programme.
				<TEXTAREA name="Any other comments" rows=3 cols=50></TEXTAREA>
          		<TD colspan=2>
				Thank you for your time - the feedback will help to shape how we manage and communicate Customer Experience Programme issues in the future.
          		<TD colspan=2>
            		<P align="center">
				<INPUT type=submit value="Submit Query" name=Submit ACTION="submit" ENCTYPE="text/plain" METHOD="post">

You can copy the code into a html to see what it looks like.
That doesn't send an e-mail per se, it relies on the user's PC having something to do with a mailto: (ie, opening Outlook with a new message formatted).

But yes it'll work, if slightly less smoothly than a web-based form like this one (first result for "secure PHP contact form" - not looked at the code but the webpage seems alright).
Mirage said:
You can do it entirely in HTML, Here's an example of one I did for work:

You can copy the code into a html to see what it looks like.

Thanks. It's ok, but I personally dont like the prompts that appear etc. I guess it needs to be done on the server side :confused:

Beansprout said:
That doesn't send an e-mail per se, it relies on the user's PC having something to do with a mailto: (ie, opening Outlook with a new message formatted).

But yes it'll work, if slightly less smoothly than a web-based form like this one (first result for "secure PHP contact form" - not looked at the code but the webpage seems alright).

The form appears to rely on PHP, I have just checked and my hosting is very basic no PHP :(

I thought this was gonna be a simple task :(

How can I get round this?

Cheers lads,

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