
Got some catchy melodies in Eyes. Really does drag though without vocals.. find a mate who can sing!

Production is pretty good imo, although perhaps the drums could be less repetitive in parts.

Good though :)
I agree, quite catchy fills and such, but it really needs some vocals and you could have something pretty darn good there :) Well produced too .
Yeah the drums are repetitive, I'm no drummer :)

I did write it with a view to having some vocals, so it doesn't work really as an instrumental, and so it does drag.

Thanks for the comments :)
Hippocrocad.....etc is the better of the two in my opinion, it reminds me of a mix between Skalpel and The Egg, very nice mixes on both tracks, sequencing drums is a bitch, it becomes all to easy to copy/paste :)

Nice stuff
Sweetloaf said:
Hippocrocad.....etc is the better of the two in my opinion, it reminds me of a mix between Skalpel and The Egg, very nice mixes on both tracks, sequencing drums is a bitch, it becomes all to easy to copy/paste :)

Nice stuff

Thanks :) Not heard of Skalpel or The Egg. Will search them out.

I actually had a drummer friend who was going to come round and help me make the drum sequences more 'real'. Haven't got round to it yet though. They were obviously sequenced, but I didn't cut and paste as it were, I did each drum part separately, I just don't have the drumming brain to give them proper life.

Hippocrocodillypig was written for a website, for a magician friend. He just said he just wanted something 'upbeat and percussive'
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