Feek's Friday Beer, gin (and whatever you happen to be drinking on a Friday night) Thread

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
It's been a long, long time since I did one of these but I fancied a beer and what better place to share it with than GD. Some of you may remember that I used to do this very regularly.

Tonight I'm starting off with Shipyard America IPA.

Combining finest malted barley with a whole bunch of audacious American hops. This thirst-quenching and gutsy American IPA is dry, refreshing and explodes with grapefruity citrus flavour.

A decent pour with a nice hoppy smell. Not too fizzy either (I like my beer slightly below room temperature and flat) and I agree with the official description, it's certainly dry and has a nice citrus hint.

Anyone else drinking this evening? Share your beer!


I generally go for beer that's of 'session' strength but I just popped over to the One Stop for these and the weakest is this one at 5% so stronger than I normally drink. This doesn't taste stronger though. I'm enjoying it.

The glass is from the Herm Island beer festival. I don't go to the festival but I'm generally there a couple of weeks after and the landlord always lets me have a glass.

RCDmdSA.jpeg :D
3 for £5?
Aye - Sadly they're in the fridge so they're a bit too cold but they'll warm up relatively quickly. I would have gone over to Morrisons but I didn't fancy the drive.

The herm beer and cider festival is this weekend ! (Started on the 4th - edit)
I think they do two a year, don't they? I know the latter one has gin as well as there were loads of them left when we went last year.

I also hear that the Mermaid has had the bar extended. I'm back over for a week in October this year. I offered to buy @chaparral a pint last year but he didn't show up.

Perhaps the Guernseyites would like to come over for a session? That'd be awesome.
They do two a year. One this weekend and one in September iirc. (I did the September one last year, it was a fantastic day. Really sunny and hot)

If you like a pint it’s worth visiting sark too, cheap at £3 a pint :) not much to do over there mind you
They do two a year. One this weekend and one in September iirc. (I did the September one last year, it was a fantastic day. Really sunny and hot)
I go to Herm in October every year and we generally have decent weather although it seems that on one day, it absolutely tips it down. Every other day is fine, just one day it always rains. I've been with friends who have managed to get sunburn in October!

If you like a pint it’s worth visiting sark too, cheap at £3 a pint :) not much to do over there mind you
It's not happening. I'm not leaving Herm for Sark! :)
What goes with beer? Fat, deep fried in fat of course.


Nowhere near as good as a bag of decent Black Country pork scratchings, the Mr. Porky stuff is very hit and miss.

Sometimes they're OK, other times they taste absolutely foul. This is one of the 'other' times and they had that horrible, soapy taste to them. I ate two lumps of pig fat and the rest went in the bin.
Well seeing as you asked Mr Feek, I've poured myself this rather tasty porter....


Quite partial to porters and stouts as i struggle with the citrusy fruity ipa's.

I use this glass because having tried various shapes, BrewDog are spot on with this one (even if I don't order much from them anymore)


Yep, a little spice, some coffee, hints of chocolate.....cheers!
That is a pretty glass @Bickaxe
I don't blame you for not buying much from Brewdog any more - I think they're massively overrated, although their gin is nice ;)
This thread reminds me how I miss the Beer of the Week competition. That was fun, but some unreasonable people just ruined it at the end.
I see a lot of sours these days, seems every brewery is trying to jump on that bandwagon.
I've tried a few but my general opinion is not very complimentary. What do you lot think of them?
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