Feel my pain OCUK :( *Guitar Related*

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Due to up and coming deadlines for university, and the fact that my promised one hour of guitar playing starts slipping into three, I have done the horrific deed of cutting my guitar strings in an attempt to stop me playing.

Nothing else to say really, I just feel poo now as I was really getting into it again after months of neglect *tear*. I swear I heard my guitar go "What are you doing?.... No! Noooooooooooo!" as well...

Has anyone else had to undergo such a horrible moment due to other factors in their life?

...and I'm not going to do anything ridiculous to the neck by leaving it unstrung for awhile am I? :p
sist_si said:
I feel your pain mate.
...I heard you should never leave strings off your guitar. It doesn't do the wood any good at all with no tension on it.
If that's true - put some back on!

Well quite, this is why I was a bit 'meh' after I did it. But I have seen videos of fat men jumping on the neck joint of my guitar model's neck joint to demonstrate its strength, so I'm a bit unsure..... anyone else have any wisdom with that?

And man this is rubbish, I so want to play and unleash my inner rock beast :(
banja said:
So be a fatso type guitarist, not an anorexic, pale, non guitar playing skinny type. They all get fat again eventually anyway :)
That was great, you made my day! :D

makeshiftwings said:
Mike, you are a tit. You will now have to buy new guitar strings. You are a student.
Shhhh stef! :p Fear not, I have an ample selection of strings anyway!
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