Feeling so nervous

8 Jan 2004
I had an assessment centre yesterday with the company I REALLY want to work for after I graduate. It went OK I guess but I'm not overly confident.

They are phoning me 'at lunchtime' today if I am successful. No phonecall if I'm not. I've got my phone glued to my hand, and I'm avoiding areas of the building with no signal. I never feel nervous about anything, but I'm shaking etc this morning. Just wish they would put me out my misery. In the words of an X-Factor contestant 'I want this so bad.'
Sorry for leaving you all in suspense. I'm sure you struggled to get to sleep last night.
Got the job. Not as happy as I thought I would be - more relieved than anything.
It's with Scottish Power - money ain't that good for the first two years, but it starts to pick up after that. Another piece of good news is that EOn have made a bid for some other company in Spain or Slovenia or Syria or whatever, which indicates that their interest in buying Scottish Power has ended. Happy days.

FAO Arcade Fire - in 5th year EEE at Strathclyde.
Arcade Fire said:
Long shot, but do you know a guy called Div McLaughlin? He would have been in your year, but left last year. Did Comptuer Science, I think.

Never heard of him - we can do some classes in common with computer science types, but I have specialised in electrical power stuff so I haven't done anything like that since 2nd year.

EDIT - I would like to have a bit of a rant about the way SP have treated the other candidates.
They told us they would only phone successfule people, and email the unsuccessful later in the week. This meant we were all sitting round watching our phones. As soon as mine started ringing I knew I had got the job. I happened to be sitting next to one of the other candidates in the computer lab when the phonecall came in so he knew I had got one of the positions. 30 seconds later his phone rang - so he thought he had been successful too. However they were actually phoning to say he had been unsuccessful. The poor boy was devastated. From the ultimate high to the ultimate low in the space of 5 seconds. Sucks. I felt really bad for him.
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