Fell off, bent wheel. Expensive?

22 Dec 2008
It's wet out there today. Bike disappeared out from under me and went away on it's side.

I have definitely bent the handle bar and the front wheel. It's sort-of drivable, in that I got it to a garage. They'll quote for the work tomorrow, but so I can prepare myself, how much does a wheel cost?

The bike is a honda cg125. Hadn't been dropped before :(
Spoked, single disk. £70 is far better than I feared - my bicycle wheel cost much more than that! Thank you

edit: I think the forks are straight, but it's difficult to tell. I'd say buckled - most of the wheel is still in plane, but a bit is bent outwards. I've got a few photos, but don't have much hope for their quality.

Wheel looking pretty much straight, it wobbles from side to side if turned by hand

Handlebar looking less straight

And gear shifter, which looks OK. It was difficult to change gears on the way to the shop, but it's hard to tell whether that was the lever or my ankle.
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Is that a Honda CG125 with 6k up it with Rust ? Are they made out of monkey metal now or are you a Full Abuser ?

Sorry about the spill though it's not funny being on the bike one minute then sliding down the road the next.
Parts for that will be cheap mate. Good luck getting it sorted quickly.
6k and some rust, yes :(. I hadn't noticed any on the forks before taking that picture, though there's definitely surface rust on the exhaust. Spraying gt85 on the metal bits doesn't seem to have helped. It has been ridden daily though winter though.

Not funny, no. Very surprising. I'm glad none of the nearby cars drove into me. Cheers
I went over someones bonnet after hitting there wing & all I could think of was the cars coming the other way as I rolled across there side. :( I did get lucky though, It was the car drivers fault & I didn't get hurt that bad. Good learning experience if you survive though I s'pose. :p

As for the Honda get some FS365 & spray it liberally over everything regularly but make sure you don't get any on the Discs, Stick a rag over them & spray everything, Chrome/metal/paint/rubber the lot except the tyres & the discs.
FS365 kept my 125 Chinese Chopper sparkling & that had 13 months through 2 winters & was kept outside under a cover. If it'll keep that clean & protected it'll keep anything sound. Real good stuff mate easy to apply & worth every penny.
I bought 2 bottles over 2 years ago & have only just started the 2nd bottle, I now use it on my BMW F650.
it depends who you go too,but id expect around £70 to take the buckle out

handlebars can be straightened if you heat them up with a heatgun,same as your gear lever
Did the gear lever start out straight then? It looks so smoothly curved I thought it might have been intentional. I may have a go at straightening the handlebar - depends on replacement price really. Heat gun and a vice would probably work I agree.

FS365 it is then, thanks for the advice. I'll pick some up in the next couple of days.

Not sure I've learned anything from it - diesel on the other side of a corner. Didn't even see it :(
Spoked wheels can be straightened if not badly buckled, just like a pushbike wheel. If the rim is dead you can put a new rim on it, but the cheapest option would be a s/h wheel from a breakers, wouldn't expect that to be more than £30 or so. Same again for the bars (though I wouldn't expect to pay much more than a tenner), though obviously make sure a s/h pair are straight.

A brand new front wheel from Honda will be very expensive.
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