Fell off my bike =/

6 Feb 2010
On the way to work this morning, pull out of my road.

There is a bus stop on the left he was indercation as parked and not moving, i position my self to go around, when im about 5 foot off of him he starts to pull out.

So i hit my brakes to avoid being hit or pushed out into the oncoming traffic. As it was wet the bike does down with me on it =/

I get off the ground. the bus has stopped but when it sees im up it just drives off =/

I have killer back pain and my thigh is torn up a little bit=/

What should i do?

Any chance of anything happening or any money to fix my bike ?

Only have thrid party fire and theft =/
Yeah rang up the bus company and they said they would look into it.

Then rang the police and now have to go in and complete a crash report =/

Just suck as my bike was perfect and now its messed up down one side!

But yeah i couldn't believe the bus driver stopped, saw i got up off the floor then just drove off again!!
i did i was right over then went to give a bit more room just as i went past and he pulled out =/

But yeah i am okay, just a little bit bruised and will be a bit more careful now i think!
there is like no damage as it was about 5-10mph fall.

Just a little mark on front fairing then a scrape on the end of the handle bar and front brake leaver but thats it
So what do you guys think i should do?

Get in contact with my insure about it all?

or ring up the bus company again to talk about making a claim for my damaged bike?
I mean i would have accepted it being my fault if i was say 10 ft back and it was pulling out already and i couldn't stop, but i was three feet away in the overtaking position and he pulled out.

Stopped to see i got up then drove off again!

I'm just unsure what my next move is really
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