Festival LAN

28 Jan 2003

I tryed to pm a mod dood but apparently i'm not cool enough :( anyways i'll have to ask here.

I'm going to this lan right, just wondering if i am allowd to post details about it on the forums to try and get more people to go. Its not my lan so i wouldn't be benefitting financially.

is this ok?
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what about if i did it in the style of "Hey anyone going to the ***** Lan, man its the nuts etc etc :P "

If you just ask if anyone's going it'll be fine, if you actively try to encourage business for them then I imagine it might get picked out for a lock.
Actually, as you said Zefan, the ixx LANs get pimped up, so just post something along the lines as you have said. What's not wanted on here are the big pimping threads of LANs which are blatantly from organisers.
Indeed, I PM'd a mod about my LAN a while back and sadly posts aren't allowed (though my sig link is okay apparently).

It's a shame really - I can see why they won't want loads of spam but a LAN-dedicated forum could prob be of interest to lots of the readers, especially the computer games forum readers :)
And would never happen. We only have had a split gaming section for a 6 or so months, and we do not need another section, as it's too specialised and specific.
Festival lan looks pretty good not to far from here either gonna book a place. Might see some of you there ;)
Hi all,

I am the guy running Festival LAN. This forum seems heavily monitored so I wont whack on a huge post about the LAN, but if you guys have any questions about the LAN give me a shout. :)


Andrew Keyne
PlanB Gaming Ltd
0118 9662190
07736 298961
at the risk of sounding like a noob, what exactly is a hog roast?? i have images of big boars being roasted on a spit over a large fire :D
If it's anything like the ones we get during the european market season in Manchester then you're not too far from the truth ;)

Sounds good anyhow - I do love fresh roast hog...mmm
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