Few iPhone questions before I go buy...!

23 Nov 2004
OK it's pretty much set in stone that me and the iPhone were made for each other (don't argue it, yes you!) but firstly I have a couple of questions which I tried searching for but couldn't get a clear answer for:

Bluetooth - can you send over pictures/video/music to another mobile phone/computer?

I know there is the lack of MMS - can you email pictures etc to another phone?

The iPhone tariffs, unlimited internet - is this using the 3G network or just wifi? So could I browse the web for free in the middle of nowhere (providing I had mobile signal)?

Can the camera be used for capturing video as well as photos?

May have a few more but that's it for now :)
Bluetooth - can you send over pictures/video/music to another mobile phone/computer?

I know there is the lack of MMS - can you email pictures etc to another phone?

The iPhone tariffs, unlimited internet - is this using the 3G network or just wifi? So could I browse the web for free in the middle of nowhere (providing I had mobile signal)?

Can the camera be used for capturing video as well as photos?
No, not without jailbreaking the phone and installing a 3rd party app (cycorder or similar)
Congrats on getting the 16gb I got one too :) great huh? :D

Bluetooth - can you send over pictures/video/music to another mobile phone/computer?

Yes you can, you enter connection details once (if its a locked network) and it remembers for future and auto connects to the better service

I know there is the lack of MMS - can you email pictures etc to another phone?

Actually you can send mms via an application downloadable from cydia free called swirly mms :) You wont find much use for that though :)

On a side note to media sending - you can download a video streaming software which lets you stream to other machines/iphones. search for "stream" in cydia as I lost the app after upgrading to 2.2 firmware :p

The iPhone tariffs, unlimited internet - is this using the 3G network or just wifi? So could I browse the web for free in the middle of nowhere (providing I had mobile signal)?

Yes you can use both even edge if you can get it. I have a pay as you go phone and have unlimited internet and I only got 19p credit on my phone. and unlimited texts. Download a program called "fring" and you can call people on your msn/aim/yahoo etc list - cheaper than using your talk time but quality isnt as good but still its FREE!

Can the camera be used for capturing video as well as photos?

Yes it can and pretty good too, also you can stream live feeds to the web and people can view from their iphone.

May have a few more but that's it for now :)

you can download apps to make your phone vibrate to the touch too as well as download cocktail/food recipes, video backgrounds, icon themes, have 5 buttons on the dock instead of 4 and more :)
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