Few pictures from a cut short bike trip

13 Nov 2003
Was supposed to be riding down to Lake Como this past week, but got as far as Germany when I got a call to say my mum had had a massive stroke, so turned straight round and headed for the ferry again.

This is my third tour on this bike it still surprises me how astonishingly good it is at everything. Carrying a pillion and luggage makes little difference to the handling and it's so comfortable, especially with a couple of tweaks for this year, including a detachable touratech screen extension, screen winglets and a throttle rocker (which is the best £4 I've ever spent on a bike!). That combination meant that we could cruise at 80-90 on the motorway stretches with my visor up in a non-turbulent bubble of air - like a proper tourer :) Also got an airhawk seat for my daughter as the furthest she'd been before this was 110 miles, and we were doing consecutive 300 mile days. Also good having a pillion that can take photos from the bike so you dont have to keep stopping whenever you see a good view!

Still got a few decent pics - now to replan the trip for next year!

Setting off

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Waiting for the Ferry

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Very pretty little towns

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

The hotel

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Inside the hotel - these motorbike hotels are great!

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

A few 'on bike' shots taken by my daughter

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Raced back towards Zeebrugge but had a few hours to spare to popped in to spend a bit of time in Brugge - This is why I love bikes - you can just right right into teh square and park for free :)

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr

Maybe in a 2 or 3 years she will be able to have a go in the front seat!

Untitled by sagalout, on Flickr
It is indeed - think that was near Cochem.

Thanks for this wishes - mums suffering terminal cancer so the stroke was related to that, but she's actually making some progress and at least hasn't suffered any personality / memory damage, and she can speak a little now, which she couldn't on Saturday. Horrible disease that she's been fighting for a while now :(
I hope your mum is fine and Germany is lush!

Fair play for your daughter wanting to go....is she not at the...DID YOUR UNCOOL STAGE?

Oh I'll always be uncool but she loves travel and bikes :) I took my son to Normandy and Belgium last year and the TT this year, so it was her turn this year. She really wants a scooter for her 16th :)
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