Few Q's about fist build

3 Oct 2013
After doing my first WC loop. :D

Been looking at the XSPC RayStorm 750 EX240 WaterCooling Kit, ( http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=WC-265-XS )

Is 1 240 rad enough to do a x6 1090t and a r290x ?

From what i've read the pump is more than ample to do a cpu and gpu block, is this correct ?

Reason for a 240 rad is space in my case. Have a thermaltake kandalf.

I could put 2 x 240's in a sandwich if 1 240 is not sufficient.

Views/thoughts appreciated.

Hi Pete, 240 is definitely not enough.
Running two of them in a sandwich isn't really gonna fly either as all that does is push the heat from one rad into the other though you may see a small drop compared to a single rad...

Is an external rad out of the question?

was wanting inside, exhausting out the front

I could add a 120/40 rad also blowing out the back.

but push come to shove i could do a 360 outside.

Edit. I'll take a pick and have a good think, then do a post.
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Had a few ideas :eek:

Basically, my first idea was this,


Apologies for cable mess, swapped/move hdd's and whatnot about to see what I could do :o

Not sure how to post my basket list, anyway it's an xspc kit + 120 rad/Arctic F12 + gpublock + tubing.

Think i'll need 2 barbs for the gpu block as well.

However if I go different pump/rez I could do a 360 rad. Down side is "Which pump/rez" :confused:

Well basket trick dont work in *nix :(

However what about a EK-KIT H3O 360 HFX with the ek gpu block, only OC don't seem to do that one .

From what i've read about various kits they seem to be good.

Well I've finally joined the WC fraternity :cool:

Settled for the EK H30 360 Kit + Ek-290 block.

First thing , Stripping a rather expensive graphics card and cleaning was the worst part for me :eek: The thermal pad placment had me sweating like i was diffusing a boom :) Was doing grand till the phone rang at the side of me.. :( Nearly jumped through the roof...

Here's some pics.


I know, Ordered 2 more ek compression fittings earlier ;)

Have a feeling I should have placed the CPU block the other way round :(

This seems to have worked out quite well.


Cheers for the remarks.

Not sure whether to go coloured tubing or not. Not keen/sure about using dyes.
However, seen a nice one in the WC case thread by Tonester0011 with Blood-red that looks cool.
I did do some (A lot) reading when looking into it.

It was a toss up between this and the ray storm kit. but seen as advised to go 360, this was better suited. Glad I did follow advice. Can barely hear it :D
Played BF4 then Metro:LL to see temps and what not. Well when I say BF4, It does nowt but crash since the patch :confused:

Highest temps after 2+ hours was 36 cpu and 43 gpu. Ambient was 22.
Think the fans hit a massive 1000 rpm , pump wound up to 1600 or so.

Idle temps are 28 cpu and 35 gpu Ambient 22

The difference going WC is huge. Not just temps but acoustics also. Even on full chat It's about the same as stock cpu/gpu at idle :cool:

I received may order today from OC, So changed them barbs to comp fittings whilst eating some Haribo's ;)


Managed to get them damn bubbles out the rez as well :D
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