Few questions about NAS

18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I would appreciate some insights from those very experienced in these matters. I'll just give the highlights without waffling on.

I've been running a PLEX server streaming from my PC directly to my Sony TV. Interface is a bit ugly but it works well enough.

I've since moved house and now my PC is about 5 walls away from my TV. I get good internet reception but streaming is a bit sketchy. So I'm looking at a NAS drive. There's so many available that I'm getting a bit lost in the jargon.

I'll also need some pointers on the best way to set it up.

My router is situation in my bedroom with the TV room being two walls away.

Now the question. Can I run a NAS wireless to the TV if plugged into the router or does it want to run off a wired connection?

2nd, how do I go about installing PLEX/Kodi or whatever on the NAS as my interface? Do I just set it up, format the drive, plug it in to my main PC via USB and install it that way?

3rd. Would it show up on my main PC as a separate drive where I can just drop in new movies as I get them and they'll show up on my TV?

many thanks
thanks for the post man.

I am quite happy with my setup. I'll look into the range extenders first to see if it helps. Or I might try the powerline adapters I've just been reading about.

A fully wired network is going to be very difficult due to the layout of the house (1920s build - they didn't take wired NAS networks into account it seems) therefore I'd ideally want to go wireless.

Also like the idea of a NAS near the TV. Been looking at the Intel NUC or QNAP boxes. Transfer from PC to NAS wouldn't bother me as I'll do it overnight.

Just to confirm. When setting up a NAS, do I plug it into the TV to set up or the PC?
They don't usually have a video out port. Usually you plug in power / network and then browse to the web admin page, like you would with a router.

Ah right gotcha. Ok that makes more sense now.

Think I got the hang of this now. Just need to figure out the best way to run the network
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