Few questions (auto-returns & ' in user input and other)

2 May 2004

When a user submits something into my code it is then submitted into a MySQL database... before the data passes through my coding I stick strip_tags() around the $_POST['']. Should I be also sticking htmlspecialchars() the $_POST['']s ?

Also, when a user puts carriage returns in say... a comment I'd like it to submit to the database WITH those carriage returns. How can I do that please?

One last thing, as you all know ' are used a lot in SQL injection so they need to be removed which is what strip_tags() does. Anyway, when a user does submit e.g. the word "that's" it gives an error due to the '. How can I safely allow users to submit ' when they're used properly?

Craig321 said:
One last thing, as you all know ' are used a lot in SQL injection so they need to be removed which is what strip_tags() does. Anyway, when a user does submit e.g. the word "that's" it gives an error due to the '. How can I safely allow users to submit ' when they're used properly?

$str = htmlentities($str);

That should do the job :)
php.net/mysql_real_escape_string for data going into SQL queries.

htmlentities() on the way out, ie for data being pulled from anywhere and being outputted to a page.

"\r\n" converted to "<br />" (or <br> for HTML) to retain carriage returns entered through a browser :)
Beansprout said:
php.net/mysql_real_escape_string for data going into SQL queries.

I thought I only needed that when doing a SELECT ... WHERE blah = '$blah' ? I've been using the quote_smart() function from the escape string page on php.net for those.

Beansprout said:
htmlentities() on the way out, ie for data being pulled from anywhere and being outputted to a page.

So should I be doing htlmentities($_POST['blah']) instead of strip_tags($_POST['blah']) ?

Beansprout said:
"\r\n" converted to "<br />" (or <br> for HTML) to retain carriage returns entered through a browser :)

Thanks very much, did:

$input = str_replace("\r\n", "<br />", $input);

Works 100% :D

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Ok, I think I managed to firgure it out, but could you guys check over it please?

I've done this:

$str = htmlentities($_POST['blah'], ENT_QUOTES);

This now allows me to post "that's" or another word with ' in it through the form and it successfully converts it to:
that&# 03 9;s
in the database. (Without the spaces)

I also submitted <?php $_GET['i']; ?> to see if it'd print the text or output the code (eep). It posted this to the database:

&lt;?php $_GET['i']; ?&gt;

All seems good, can someone confirm it is please?


Also, I guess I don't need to use htmlentities or strip_tags in file uploading as even if someone does submit the data from another form it'll have to process the data through my upload code which won't accept it.

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