Few Questions

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
1) Does having more than 2 HDs slow your system down. I currently have an 80GB boot drive and two much larger drives for storage.

2) For some reason, my system has started to boot incredibly slow, even though I hardly have any startup programmes. Can anyone reccomend an Antivirus/Security/Spware all in one package that runs effeciently and effectively. I think the combo of Bt's Anti-virus and Windows defender is slowing my PC down. The XP loading screen only appears for about 3 seconds, so something is wrong!

3) Would I notice a difference if I bought a RAPTOR for a fresh install of XP and GAMES storage? Or would having 4 HDs kill my PC :D

4) How badly is my new GFX card being limited by my system specs?
To expand, 64 3500+, 1GB XMS Cas 2.

5) Finaly, would it be wise to bank a fair bit for Xmas, so I can get all the new DX10 hardware and vista?

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Also, are there any of you who have kept the same PC for around 5 years by just upgrading it all the time, or does there come a time where you dump it and buy a brand new one?
JustinB said:
Would NOD32 not be ok for anti virus? I never used to use Antivirus in 6 years before a mate mentioned it. Doesnt seem to slow boot up down by much unlike Symantec Sp? Macaffe Antivirus.Then just use windows firewall? I have this enabled along with the one in my router.

I also have a 74GB Raptor which does help in speed. Then a Seagate 7200.9 500GB for Data

I wouldnt have thought more would slow it down? as only one is being accessed at boot up?

Is this the screen with the blur bar which scrolls across.As that is what im thinking of. Where is windows boot up slow? as that is the longest part of the load.

iirc when i had Windows Anti-Spyware (Windows Defender now?) The loading bar went across twice. I am not say it is that, but has only got me thinking about it now as that was happening around the period of time i had it installed. But it was the fastest boot up i have had. Might install it later to see.


I rebuilt the Bootcng file on the boot drive a few weeks back and the Windows XP loading screen with the blue bar lasts about 3 seconds... no exaggeration. I know this seems weird, but I can't explain why it is so fast. In Windows, the system is then unresponsive (bar the mouse) for about 1 minute and then incredibly slow for another 10-15 seconds.
InSanCen said:
With regards to Antivirus, NOD32 is the best, but you have to pay for it. AVG is the best free alternative.
As has been mentioned, run Spybot and Adaware to sweep for Adware/Malware every week.
If your Router has a firewall, use it. I don't run any other firewall.

As for upgrades, you'll find the majority of peoplew on here upgrade fater than "The real world" due to the nature of this site (That includes me). IME (I'm a tech for a living), people upgrade their boxes every 3-5 years.

How can a hardware firewall be any good?

Software firewalls receive updates that protect you from new threats. How does a hardware one do that? I've never understood when people say hardware firewalls are better.

Is windows defender better than other spyware programmes?
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