4 & 6 are really nice. Once tip when using HDR though. Once you have created the finalised jpeg (or tiff) open in PS and do an autolevel and reduce the saturation a tad. Also, if you were using Photomatrixm, try reducing the tone mapping percentage some more, as you are getting halos around the trees in 4
Number 4 has that classic "fake" HDR look which mine used to have before I followed those two steps.
I especially like shots 1 and 3, the sun coming through the trees is very effective, its just a shame the spiders web wasn't a tad more, umm, dense in terms of how many strands it has. Obviously though there is nothing you can physically do about this.
I have no HDR experiance, and am fairly new to photoshop.
However i can tell you that getting rid of the lens flare on the dark tree part is simply a case of cloneing it out, but the rest is not so easy. Perhaps add an adjustment layer, select that part and reduce the blue channels? im not sure if that will work, but its worth a try.
Think 1 and 3 are my favourate too, unfortunately the web isn't 100% in focus which is a shame - I was sitting on a fence leaning dangerously backwards over brambles at the time so was keen to get the shot taken .
I'm keen to reduce the 'halo' affect HDR gives around the trees too. Makes the photos unrealistic imho.
I'm off to Canada tomorrow morning for some more shooting so I'll have a play with CS2 when I get back - or during my time away on the lappy.
Got to say, this was the most amazing morning I can remember, all taken at about 7am. Pictures don't do the atmosphere and quality of like any justice.
7. (#2 in non-HDR for comparison) Think I preferre this!
They all look quite amazing, and to be honest i dont really have any niggles with them. My favourite is probably the first one, perfect exposure and an amzing shot. They all look very sharp aswell, keep up the good work
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