FF a realm reborn

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Superooooo, I want a new MMO to lose my self in. I tried Vanilla WoW (private server, why Blizzard don't have these types of servers, I'll never know) and I liked it, but... I don't know, just wasn't the same.

I tried FF a while ago but performance issues on a 780 put me off.

I've no idea on how classes work, I like DPG and dagger type classes.

In short, I'm a little nub at this game and would like some input.

How big is the world? I LOVED exploring and running across all the landscapes in WoW which is one of the main killers for me in it's latest iteration (****** group finder ruined it). How is the end game?
I've already trialed the 20 day, bought the game on steam.

I wonder if I can setup another account?
I feel this is one of those games you have to play with friends. I played on my own for about two months on and off but just could not convince any of my gaming lot to play it too ( they were hooked on GW2 ) Was actually quite lonely playing with nobody :(

That is of course just my opinion though.

I'll ask my partner to play then. See if I can get her hooked.
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