FF3 - Firebug Question

19 Oct 2002
Just started using firebug and i have read time and time again that it can edit live sites, so with my sites that are online i should be able to make live amendments yeah?

the reason i ask is i can't for the life of me work out how to change live stuff on the fly (obviously there needs to be some sort of ftp login credentials entered somewhere?)

could anyone give me a leg up?
so the workflow with firebug is use it to sample changes, then make em for real at a later time?

i can sort of see that being useful with some things like if your messing with some unfamiliar code but on your own sites where you pretty much know where everything is and what it does thats just doing the work twice...

am i missing something?
People will find it useful for different reasons. But one use might be if you want to try out different fonts, but you don't want to switch to an editor, make the changes, save, switch back to the browser refresh, look at the changes, then back to the editor and change to a different font.

You can cut all that out and just make changes on the fly and see how it changes the look of the site.
Yep it's particularly useful for small changes where you're tweaking values. It's a pain to dip in and out of the notepad file 10 times to change a value again and again - firebug means you only have to do it once.
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