FFXIV Shadowbringers Benchmark

3 Jul 2010

Debating to resub and try Dancer. Whats your Benchmark/System? Also will you be picking up the expansion?


FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Benchmark
Tested on: 24/5/2019 16:17:23
Score: 15670
Average Frame Rate: 131.7764
Minimum Frame Rate: 50
Performance: Extremely High
-Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 1.893 sec
Scene #2 4.535 sec
Scene #3 5.169 sec
Scene #4 3.416 sec
Scene #5 1.956 sec
Total Loading Time 16.969 sec

Microsoft Windows 10 Home (ver.10.0.17134 Build 17134)
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti(VRAM 11127 MB)
Surprised by how excellent the surround sound is with this benchmark. Better than most AAA games I've tried. Graphically, the textures don't really hold up up-close, at least at 4K, but it's to be expected. Most (all?) MMOs are essentially 1080p titles.

FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers Benchmark
Tested on: 24/5/2019 19:12:22
Score: 6508
Average Frame Rate: 43.71842
Minimum Frame Rate: 15
Performance: Very High
-Easily capable of running the game. Should perform exceptionally well, even at higher resolutions.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 2.912 sec
Scene #2 3.958 sec
Scene #3 4.99 sec
Scene #4 3.167 sec
Scene #5 1.738 sec
Total Loading Time 16.765 sec

Screen Size: 3840x2160
Screen Mode: Full Screen
DirectX Version: 11
Graphics Presets: Preset 1
-Wet Surface Effects: Enabled
-Occlusion Culling: Enabled
-LOD on Distant Objects: Enabled
-Real-time Reflections: Maximum
-Edge Smoothing (Anti-aliasing): FXAA
-Transparent Lighting Quality: High
-Grass Quality: High
-Parallax Occlusion: High
-Tessellation: High
-Glare: Standard
-Self: Display
-Other NPCs: Display
Shadow Quality
-LOD on Shadows: Enabled
-Shadow Resolution: High - 2048p
-Shadow Cascading: Best
-Shadow Softening: Strong
Texture Detail
-Texture Filtering: Anisotropic
-Anisotropic Filtering: x16
Movement Physics
-Self: Full
-Other NPCs: Full
-Limb Darkening: Enabled
-Radial Blur: Enabled
-Screen Space Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+: Quality
-Glare: Normal
-Water Refraction: Normal
Cinematic Cutscenes
-Depth of Field: Enabled

Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (ver.10.0.17763 Build 17763)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6800K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Radeon RX Vega(VRAM 8121 MB)

Cant seem to remember how to embed an image XD

My score with my new system;

14966 nvidia 2060

the biggest difference is my load time which is way higher!

42.257 :/
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