f'Hello {world}'

23 Sep 2022
Hello, I am elchubinebrae, master of the dark arts!

Just kidding. I work 60+ hours in a warehouse of glass stuff and I'm nearly 40 years old. It's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. Look what I taught myself how make...

For anyone wondering what the jiggins is going on, the dots represent the average male/females chances of winning an unarmed fight against certain animals.

Remeber kids, your chances against a rat are high, but never zero. Peace out.
It's not an accurate measurement of proper fighting ability. It's more like "Do you think you could beat a lion" with yes/No answers then the answers aggregated to show the percentage of gender that could take on said animal.

I think bloodsports are banned in most countries but it does make an interesting visual doesnt it?
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