Fiber optic star effect in nursery?

22 Jul 2006
Afternoon All,

With the recent news of expecting a baby we are looking at ideas for the room that will become the nursery. I have come across a few of these kits online.

Just wondering if anyone on here has done this, and if they could recommend a kit?

Also would I be best creating a false ceiling or should i just drill hundreds of holes in the existing ceiling??

I would have a false ceiling myself, you only need a few inches of space, & there are no issues with the loft insulation & overheating fittings, etc.

Plus it's easy to remove in the future.
or should i just drill hundreds of holes in the existing ceiling??
Yeh, do that, fill the nursery with fibreglass dust :D

That last time I saw this done, the guy laid all the fibre leads out on a large bit of plywood (painted dark blue)
On top he put a few conventional bulbs, then hung the whole lot about 6" from the ceiling using chains.

One switch turned on the normal bulbs (on a dimmer) so he had like a nice uplighter effect, the other just turned on the fibre lights which then looked to be at ceiling height.

Doing it this way means no overall lowering of ceiling height, and putting the room back to stock just involves removing the plywood and reattaching the ceiling light. Plus all the assembly is done on the floor, not up a ladder.

Congrats on baby :)
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Cheers guys...was thinking a false ceiling may be best.

FYI we live in 3 story house, nursery will be on 2nd floor so not directly into the loft!!
Cheers guys...was thinking a false ceiling may be best.

FYI we live in 3 story house, nursery will be on 2nd floor so not directly into the loft!!

Still go with false ceiling, easier, plus you don't know what's hidden behind original ceiling when you start drilling.
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