Fibre box removable?

30 Dec 2005
Hi guys, anyone know if you can remove these two boxes, I think the ONT can come off but the round one not sure about.
Need plastering so not sure what we can do here...

You can't remove the round one as it is protects the fibre line coming into your property (and you could break it as it is just a glass tube), and if you are putting the ONT back in the same place after the work is done then you should be able to lift it off the screws that hold it.
Make sure you protect the end of the fibre, either with a proper SC-type fibre dust cap or wrapped in plastic film. Same with the ONT, keep the fibre recepticle clean while it's not in use.

You don't want to be getting dust or dirt anywhere near the tip of the fibre.
You can unofficially move it yourself using an SC/SC fibre coupler and SC fibre patch cable.

Just make sure you put it back if you have a fault ;)
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