Fifa 06 Playing Advise

20 Sep 2005
To all those budding Fifa players, can you give any advise to a Fifa newbie.
I cant score no matter what I try, same with penalties always go way over.

Any advise would be much appreciated.
I find the easiest way, is to cross the ball into the box, using your wingers, and head the ball in the net. The goalies appear to be useless at saving these. Just make sure your team has 4-4-2 formation, I normally use England. Some of my mates find it tricky to get the hang of, but once you practice and no how to do it it's fine.
As for penalties, just literally touch the shoot button, do not hold it down for any period of time or else it will go skyward.

gamertag = BigshotPie
Bigshot hit the nail on the head. Wingers, cross, goal. Works 9times out of ten.

There are two ways of taking Penalties. Shoot button = power, X Button = Placement, the latter works all the time for me.

Another good way of scoring, when in the box and keeper starts to approach hold the left trigger in and use shoot, it lobs him most of the time.
dalepearson said:
To all those budding Fifa players, can you give any advise to a Fifa newbie.
I cant score no matter what I try, same with penalties always go way over.

Any advise would be much appreciated.

Sell it and buy Pro Evo 5 instead :)
Thanks for the tips guys, will have a go later hopefully. Like I say this is my first footie game, and really makes me want to put the controller through the screen at times :)
Now that I have played it a bit (in the beggining Ive had difficulty scoring from anything other than crosses). But now goals from open play are fine. Play it at a higher difficulty, persevire with it and you may grow to like it. I have, other that the EA stuttering in places Its a great game!
I find the best way to score is either from running it down the wing and crossing it in. Hopefully someone will be there to head it or collect on the edge of the box.


Run at goal with it and confuse the keeper with a little sidestep, do that by hitting left or right on your right analogue stick.

The player will do a fancy little step, take the ball to the left or right then you can shoot.

Paul ...
Ok played again last night, just cant get this game to work for me, always to many of the opposition in the box when I get there, I did manage to score a goal but for some reason it didnt register.

Tried playing online, but its soooooo lagy :( I will give it a little longer, but I think I will prolly flog it.
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