FIFA 06 Road to world cup

28 Sep 2004
Couldn't see anyone talking about this anywhere else. Has anyone played the demo for this on the PC? It's truly awful compared to the xbox 360 version. It's actually nothing at all like it. As if 2 completely different developers were doing the different versions. What's up with that!? :(
had a go wasnt very impressed due to them not allowing you to change gfx settings or even telling you which keys do what. unless im missing something
Can't really tell if i like it or not form that demo, typical EA/FIFA demo in that you can't chnage any settings. :rolleyes:

Will probably rent it when its released for PS2, and Road to World Cup is a different game to this one. I'm sure seperate EA studios worked on them, nothing to do with each other apart from the license. Why can't they just make a World Cup game, and thats it.
zenith10 said:
had a go wasnt very impressed due to them not allowing you to change gfx settings or even telling you which keys do what. unless im missing something
There's a mod that lets u change the video settings in the demo, fifa 06 raptor or something. Also u can add RESOLUTION 1280x1024 to the end of the command line to change the res.
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