FIFA 2019

13 May 2003
No thread on this yet?!

I've just had a quick go on the demo and am loving the new mechanics, shooting, and speed vs. FIFA 18.

Sorry not to have more info yet - links etc. - in a bit of a rush!
No thread on this yet?!

I've just had a quick go on the demo and am loving the new mechanics, shooting, and speed vs. FIFA 18.

Sorry not to have more info yet - links etc. - in a bit of a rush!
I haven't bought FIFA in a couple of years now

Definitely different in terms of some of the passing and the crossing seems different too, including the actual animation .

Interesting how teams play differently too I.e. Real Madrid is very attacking
Not a bad first goal to score on the new FIFA 19 Demo

What a hit!

Not bought fifa for a few years, think I'll be grabbing it this year, only played a handful of games round a mates since they moved to frostbite engine so will be good to get stuck into.
Tempted to grab this but don't know if I should stick to PC or get it on PS4 for the better market and number of players. I paid 3.99 for origin access for the 10 hour trial so I've already got two solid teams on PC. I could probably get back to where I am quicker on PS4 anyway though.
im excited for FIFA 19 got 18 cheap to fill in the journey from 17 and enjoyed 18 more than i thought so now really looking forward to it.
just a shame its the new season of d3 also just started haha .. gotta split my time xD

if anyone wants to add me on origin as i have no friends that play fifa well no friends on origin at all :P lol uKCooki3
Tempted to grab this but don't know if I should stick to PC or get it on PS4 for the better market and number of players. I paid 3.99 for origin access for the 10 hour trial so I've already got two solid teams on PC. I could probably get back to where I am quicker on PS4 anyway though.

There's already cheaters on this years FUT for PC so I wouldn't bother.
yeah the cheapest it got was 36 or 35 on cdkeys. they used to start the price around 30 but not this year.
It crashes every 5mins on my machine with some directx error, fun......

Forcing DX11 in the options fixes it and doubles the fps from 200 to 460!
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Will pay my £15 for Premier, complete the journey a few times and be done :D

Outside of the Journey, I find the Career/Manager modes boring after a while.

If wanting to play a "game of football", I will play PES :D

The problem is, PES sucks for "match day" atmosphere which is one thing FIFA has nailed over the years, even to the point of away fans being in the right places in stadia.
Did anyone have lots of packs to open playing UT? I have opened about 8 so far, have 40 players and still got about 3 packs to open. Not even played a game yet. I kept getting more packs.
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