File deleted from netowork share

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11 Jan 2006
West Midlands

We are running Server 2016 with Win 10 desktops.

When a file is deleted from a network share it disappears and doesn't go to a recycle bin.

We do have a backup that runs at 9pm but how do we resolve the issue of someone creating a file on a network share and then accidently deleting it before the backup has run? How would we get this file back?
You need to enable shadow copies on the drive on the server. Be very careful though, because it has a significant impact on performance, so if the server is heavily loaded or has many users, they will notice the difference. It also requires additional space (to store said shadow copies) so again, don't enable it if you don't have plenty of spare capacity.
Thanks Rotor. We only have about 10 consecutive users at a time and plenty of spare space so will get it enabled.
I don't think shadow copy fully resolves the issue in this sense, as the file would still have to exist on the drive at the time that the shadow copy snapshot was taken (which is essentially the same as the already running backup -of course you could configure this to run more frequently!)).
Dependent on budget and what you already have in place (and how willing your users are to adopt new processes...), submitting the files via a web interface such as SharePoint (totally overkill btw!), or by emailing the files to a service account could be made to work.
You can configure the shadow copies to be taken as often as you like.
We do have a backup that runs at 9pm but how do we resolve the issue of someone creating a file on a network share and then accidently deleting it before the backup has run? How would we get this file back?

You can configure the shadow copies to be taken as often as you like.

whilst I was being somewhat pedantic, configuring shadow copies to run more regularly does not fully meet the requirement to capture any documents that exist only briefly between scheduled snapshots, and was under the impression that the performance impact was significant (as everywhere I've worked had the shadow copies scheduled outside of core hours).

I do however agree that it's a far preferable solution to what I initially suggested, just wanted to highlight the limitations
There are tools that do real time sync where you can disable sync of deletes. Dsynchronise is one I think.
Btw what are consecutive users do they take turns in using the system
whilst I was being somewhat pedantic, configuring shadow copies to run more regularly does not fully meet the requirement to capture any documents that exist only briefly between scheduled snapshots, and was under the impression that the performance impact was significant (as everywhere I've worked had the shadow copies scheduled outside of core hours).

I do however agree that it's a far preferable solution to what I initially suggested, just wanted to highlight the limitations
You are right (shadow copies are horrendously resource intensive), but on the flip side, what are the odds of losing a disk in that time slot between when the last shadow copy was taken and when the user saved this precious new document? Solutions need to be balanced, and I will always come down on the side of reasonable and simple. Over-complicated solutions tend to have unforeseen consequences.

The original poster stated they had 10 users (from memory) so the performance impact won't be noticed.

I always advocate for non-Windows filers because they invariably do a much better job of being a Windows file server than Windows ever can be (which is pretty funny).
I have Shadow Copies configured to take snapshots every 3 hours during the working day and can't say I've ever noticed a performance hit. The only warning you get from Microsoft when configuring them is to not set them more frequently than every hour.
What if they’ve been working on it all day? Shadow copies saves *so* much effort for IT (the users can restore their own files) it’s silly not to enable it.
Users accidentally deleting their own files before the nightly backup is not an issue anyone should bother trying to fix!

IT is meant to enable a business, not hinder it. As rotor says, even if 1st line need to do the restore from SC, you could save somebody a few hours work.
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