File Migration to new Domain

6 Mar 2009
Hi Guys,

I am preparing for a migration of some files onto a new server on a new domain.

Basically i was wanting to copy these folders and files with the same security groups as on the current domain they are on. So was planning on using Robocopy to copy files across as is. I was planning on recreating the same security groups on the new domain so that the same access would be the same on the new server and domain.

Then it clicked with me that the folder i copy across to the new domain will have Domain1\SecurityGroup1 added to a folder when it should be Domain2\SecurityGroup1. So therefore it will be looking for a security group on the old domain instead on the new domain.. If you know what i mean.

First time im doing a migration so not sure what the best practice is.

Any thoughts would be great thanks.
Thanks for the Info CleverBalls, will have a look into this.

Ok Basically we are moving certain users onto a new server and new Domain.
As far as the file transer goes, i thought i could copy permissons as is on folders and create the same security groups on the new domain and would work ok.

But now i have realised that the SID will be different between the domains.

On the upside there are only a handful of users and folders that are to be moved so re-creating security groups and applying permissons to folders wont to a huge task.
Why are you moving users on to a new domain?
Its a subsidiary part of the company that are moving off onto their own domain.

No worries bud, sorry if I sounded a bit heavy handed - send us a message if you need any assistance

Cheers, there could be a few questions in the near future. :)
Just create a two-way trust and be done with it.

Think i will have to do this as well as users may need to use printers on the old domain from the new one. We have some users that will be onsite on the new domain which will have to use printers on the old domain.
Also guys i could you clarify if Robocopy will work to copy files to a remote server??

Have tested it between server on the same LAN and it works.

As long as i can ping to remote server robocopy should work??

So using something like:

robocopy "\\OldServerName\SourceDirectory" "\\NewServerName\DestinationDirectory"

and of course adding the appropriate switches in.
Yes robocopy will work. Just be sure files are not in use during the copy or changed once the copy has completed. Consider making the share read only.

Thanks Swarfega, just wanted to double check

If the folder/files are being move to a new domain then you can use ICACLS to re-permission to the new/migrated domain accounts. You may have to put a script around it if you have large number of users, reading the users from a text file? I'm sure if you Google you will find plenty of examples out there?


Cheers, will have a look at this
If i am to use robocopy to move file to a new server on a new domain what permissons do i need in place??

Domain1 will have its credentials and domain 2 will have its credentials. Will this cause an issue when i go to start my script??

Read somewhere about using "net use" to map drive and allow permissons first. Would this be correct??
So for example:

NET USE \\<destination computer> /USER:<admin account for destination computer> <password>
ROBOCOPY C:\Documents and Setting\<my user>\My Documents\ \\<destination computer>\<net share/admin share> /E /ZB

Would this be along the right lines??
Essentially yes - I would net use for the domain you are moving from as well;

net use \\COMPUTER\ /user:DOMAIN1\USER


Thanks CleverBalls, this worked for me :)

Another one here: In robocopy can i do a delta copy where i can run it at another stage and have only the files that have been added for changed copied over??
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