Files not visible after updating to mavericks

25 Oct 2004
Hi guys. Ive just updated to mavericks on a 2013 macbook air. I did the update and then did a fresh reinstall. Ive got a 512gb SSD partitioned into 3 drives and so only erased the installation drive.
But now all my files have disappeared on the other 2 drives. So in finder, each drive is showing as having the right amount of space being used and the right number of files but the finder window is empty.

Any suggestions or thoughts as to what is going on? I'm buggered if I've lost everything
Select partition in Finder, File > Get Info or (cmd+I)

Go to Sharing & Permissions. Click + Button, add your user account.

From cog menu there, hit Apply to enclosed items..

Repeat for each partition...
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